Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Some Surprises at the Oscars?

Though I don't really agree with much Dave Karger and the EW prognostication/promoting staff says, promotes, or predicts, I thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to do what Karger is doing and making a list of my predictions for possible surprises at the Oscars.

Milk beats Slumdog (my prediction, but hard for people to take seriously) for Best Picture

Richard Jenkins or Brad Pitt beats Mickey Rourke, Sean Penn, and Frank Langella for Best Actor due to love to indies or Buttons

Josh Brolin or Michael Shannon pulls an upset on Heath Ledger and upsets thousands of viewers (not likely)

Taraji P. Henson pulls ahead of Penelope Cruz and Viola Davis

The Dark Knight wins over Slumdog for Best Cinematography

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button beats Slumdog for best Adapted Screenplay

Those are the best I can think of at the moment.

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